Age: 29
Gender: Female
Topic: Gynecology
Chat Rating: star star star star_half star_border
Location: Bangalore

my periods started on 2nd June. in general I have periods only for 1 week but this tym my period continued till now. the flow is not heavy but everyday I am having bleeding. I consulted one doc and got my TVS sonography done but it was normal. I am really scared and need guidance

Hello xxxx, xxxx! I am the doctor’s assistant. Before your consultation with the doctor starts, it is important that you answer the following questions.
Which of the following symptoms is your chief complaint?
  • Irregular periods
  • Missed or delayed periods
  • Pain during Menstruation
  • Others
  • Submit
Which of the following symptoms is your chief complaint? Irregular periods
Have you ever had bleeding between two periods?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Submit
Have you ever had bleeding between two periods? Yes
Hi xxxx , Dr. xxxx will take up your case.
Thanks! Doctor has received your payment
Good Morning xxxx! I am here to help you, please tell me more about your problem.
Pls share the written portion of the report.
is it ok if I share it my today evening?
actually I am in ofc
but want to know what all could be the reason
Are you sexually active?
yes doc... actually me and my husband are trying for a baby... but this Month the period was continuous from 2nd till now
Are you on any medication?
I think it's better if we speak over a call after seeing Ur reports.
no... no regular medicines.. but at times I do take pan 40 or saridon
I am arranging for the reports
xxxx, I am calling you now. Please pickup.
Call Ended. Status : completed Duration : 1 min 59 sec
So despite everything u may have been pregnant
Do u have any history of thyroid disorders.
but report is not saying that
no I don't have thyroid
Ultrasound cannot visualise early pregnancy or a pregnancy which was miscarried.
Only blood test can do that.
So as u can see there's a prescription above. Pls do all tests except ultrasound and share the report.
Do you have any doubts or wish to share anything more?
am getting this type of clots
Yeah so do the tests let's see why
thank you, doctor
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