Age: 20
Gender: Female
Topic: Gynecology
Chat Rating: star star star star_border star_border
Location: Madurai

My friend had her menstrual cycle on the 13th may , she had her routine cycle and then the next time she had her chums on 27th may. The bleeding was there for 4-5 days. She now had her chums on 10th june but the bleeding is still continuing, initial 3-4days did not bleed much but now it is bleeding too much. She has no idea what's wrong with her body.

Please enter the Patient's name
  • Ex: Lakshmi
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Please enter the Patient's name xxxx
Which of the following symptoms is your chief complaint?
  • Irregular periods
  • Missed or delayed periods
  • Pain during Menstruation
  • Others
  • Submit
Which of the following symptoms is your chief complaint? Irregular periods
Have you ever had bleeding between two periods?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Submit
Have you ever had bleeding between two periods? No
How many days of bleeding have you had in this or the last period?
  • Enter number of days
  • Submit
How many days of bleeding have you had in this or the last period? 8
Do your periods come more than once a month or less than 21 days apart?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Submit
Do your periods come more than once a month or less than 21 days apart? Yes
Do your periods come more than once a month or less than 21 days apart? Yes
Hi xxxx, Thanks for answering the questions. Dr xxxxxxxxx, MBBS, MS in Obstetrics and Gynaecology , with 5 years of experience, will take up your case!
Thanks! Doctor has received your payment
She has been bleeding from almost 8days now and she is still bleeding. What precautions does she have to take ?
Good Evening xxxx! I am here to help you, please tell me more about your problem.
Ma'am the bleeding had stopped on 21st itself but today it started again and the sanitary napkin had got fully blood
Not able to understand how could it bleed after completely stopping
xxxx, I am calling you now. Please pickup.
Call Ended. Status : completed<br>Duration : 10 min 24 sec
Do u want to continue consultation?
Is she sexually active?
If yes, ask her to do a urine pregnancy test tomorrow in morning first urine sample
ok ma'am
Has she taken i pill?
no she hasn't
Ok check for pregnancy
she already checked it shows negative
Send me the picture of the kit u tested
i would have to ask if she has it or not
Ok.. I want a fresh thing to b done tomorrow
Tomorrow morning in first urine sample
thank you, doctor
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